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Real estate agent using the Proxima App on a smartphone to manage client information and streamline property transactions

Unlock real estate success with the Proxima mobile app

Access thousands of properties at your fingertips and make reservations in just three easy steps.

Quick access to projects and easy reservations"

Take advantage of this quick and easy QR code feature and onboard your team today.

Onboarding made easy with just a scan

Experience real-time updates on your reservation status, offering full transparency and visibility throughout the process.

Real-time update of your reservation

Get quick access to client contacts, saving you time when you make property reservations.

Manage and protect your client data

Experience Proxima's Real Estate Revolution

 Sign up to Proxima and get immediate access to thousands of properties across Australia today

Selling property made easy 

Get started by downloading Proxima App 

  • Projects Access

  • Quick Search

  • Property Reservations

  • Manage your Tasks

  • Manage your Clients

  • Team Invitation

Download Proxima App from Google Store
Download Proxima App from Apple Store
Proxima Mobile Application
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